Beyond 5G: Eye-Net’s Real-Time Collision Prevention Achieves Immediate Accuracy – Today

How Eye-Net’s Advanced Technology Tackles Latency, Speed, and Real-Timeness Today

As the world anticipates the widespread deployment of 5G networks, the promise of seamless, instantaneous communication continues to captivate the automotive industry. Eye-Net Mobile is already implementing effective real-time collision detection and prevention technology. By using advanced algorithms and a robust approach, Eye-Net addresses the challenges of network latency and GNSS delays, ensuring safety and efficiency on existing 3G and 4G networks.

How is Eye-Net Bridging the Gap?

Eye-Net Mobile’s V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) solution is designed to provide real-time collision alerts by connecting vehicles, pedestrians, bikers and infrastructure. This interconnected ecosystem allows for instantaneous communication, critical for preventing accidents and enhancing road safety. Unlike other solutions that rely heavily on the imminent rollout of 5G, Eye-Net’s technology is already functional and effective on current network infrastructures.

Tackling Latency and Speed Challenges

Latency, defined as the total turnaround time from when one device transmits its location to when another device receives this information, is a critical factor in real-time applications such as collision prevention. Eye-Net’s technology addresses this by employing a combination of cloud-client architecture and edge computing. This approach reduces alert latency by processing critical data on the client side, ensuring immediate responsiveness even during brief communication disruptions. In most recent field trials Eye-Net achieved an impressive delay of just 50 milliseconds, a performance level that is crucial for life-saving decisions on the road.

The Future of Mobility is Now

While the promise of 5G brings the potential for even faster and more reliable communication, Eye-Net’s solution is distinctive as it works effectively with the existing 3G and 4G network infrastructure. Of course, working with 5G networks will be an amazing move for Eye-Net, since then the sky’s the limit. In the short term, by optimizing the use of existing 3G and 4G networks, Eye-Net provides immediate benefits. This makes Eye-Net’s V2X solution accessible and effective today, offering a significant advantage in the push towards safer, smarter transportation.


Eye-Net Mobile’s advanced V2X solution exemplifies how real-time collision detection and prevention can be achieved without waiting for 5G. By leveraging existing network capabilities and integrating sophisticated algorithms, Eye-Net ensures that drivers, pedestrians, bikers and infrastructure can communicate seamlessly and respond instantly to potential hazards. The future of automotive safety is already here, and Eye-Net Mobile is at the forefront, making roads safer – in real time.